Burrillville History Digital Archive

Discover a treasure trove of Burrillville’s past with our Advantage Archives link, offering access to historic newspaper, including the the Pascoag Herald, Burrillville Gazette and the Burrillville News Gazette from 1880 – 1918. Delve into the stories, events, and voices that shaped the community over centuries, providing invaluable insights into its cultural heritage and evolution. Experience firsthand the vivid snapshots of history preserved within these pages, bridging the gap between past and present.

Digital Yearbooks

Explore a digital time capsule of Burrillville High School’s rich history through its archived yearbooks dating back to the 1920s, accessible via the Internet Archive. Immerse yourself in the nostalgia of bygone eras, flipping through the pages that document the school’s evolution and the cherished memories of its students across generations. Click the link below to access the yearbook volumes that are currently available.

Burrillville History

This site, maintained by Pat Mehrtens (the Town Historian of Burrillville) contains a wealth of information on the town itself. The history of the town is very complex and interesting, and this site serves to break down this information into enjoyable and easily digested information. Learn more about the town, and discover just what makes it so special.

Burrillville Historical & Preservation Society

Find out more about Burrillville history, as well as ongoing efforts to preserve that history. Whether you want to learn more about the town’s past, from old mills and historic cemeteries, or want to learn about fundraising and events, this site is an excellent resource. Check out the Burrillville Historical & Preservation Society to get connected with the town.

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